The September general meeting if the Crookwell Heritage Railway will be held on Saturday 15th September at the Goods Shed in Crookwell. Proceedings to kick off at 10am. We encourage and welcome anyone interested to sit in on our meetings to find out the latest on what is happening. We will have 2 guests from the Upper Lachlan Shire Council with us; Mayor Brian

McCormack and Cr Paul Culhane.
On the agenda is an update on the Rail Bike. The Rail Explorer bike has been touring several community events around the Southern Highlands. Getting feedback from locals and visitors to the region. So far we have received 100% positive feedback. The recent Malkara Model Rail show in the ACT was one such event. A lot of support was shown and showed people were willing to travel to Crookwell for a ride. We see this as a opportunity to bring tourism to the area and showcase Crookwell to the rest of the country.
Following on from the meeting will be continuing laying the track on the platform passing loop. The sleepers and rails are already in place, the next part is to gauge and spike the rail to the sleepers. Here you can see how the tracks were laid in the day.
The following weekend we are at it again, starting on Friday 21st with our monthly wood raffle. Tickets are just $1 and available outside IGA and across the street at the Kiosk & Rest Area. Again we like to express our gratitude to Brian Castle for his generous donation of the fire wood. Saturday and Sunday are dedicated working bees to complete the track laying in front of the platform.
The Station Museum will be open to the public on both weekends. Everyone is welcome to drop in for a look and chat.